Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Nepal, a beautiful Himalayan country, had once recognition as a country of peace and making it worldwide recognized, they were always working hard. Major reasons behind this recognition was that  the country had much peace and order. Now people have very poor and bad vision of this country. We can see growing unrest in our country all the time.
     Revolution of 2046 had given a good hope to Nepalese people, but that was for very short time, because, just after short peaceful period, a great complicated conflict arose. That was so called Maoist Revolution which gulped nearly thirteen thousand people.  Army, Maoist, government officials, teachers, and general citizens were linked. A lot of people are still in the list of ‘lost’ and ‘disappeared’.
After the ceasefire and then agreement made between seven parties and the Maoists, a little relief was felt. Everybody thought that the country was being led to the peace and order. Everything would be usual and all would feel comfortable. Unfortunately, at present, all these good expectations have gone in vain. We have unrest going all the time, threatening life, pleasures and property. Relatives anxiously wait for one who has walked out of home for some destination. Strikes from different parties and organizations are disturbing every mind and everything. A person travelling for east or west halts several times on the way because of strikes.
Because of the lack of the supply of goods such as petrol, gas, etc., people are always worried. They are bound to think –where are they heading for? Of course, to uncertainty and to confusion, chaos and unrest, fear and violence. Reasoning and also sense of humanity are required to avoid such situations, and thus they can lead to the right path and destination.

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